Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment In Ottawa

People frequently associate root canals with discomfort. In reality, pain is caused mainly by the initial infection rather than the treatment. Root canal therapy relieves the pain you are experiencing from a serious dental issue. A root canal treatment (RCT) restores and preserves a tooth that has decayed beyond being repaired by a filling only, saving a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted. There are many signs of potential RCT, including an abscess in the gums, sensitivity to heat or cold, excruciating toothache, swelling, and discomfort. Contact your Gateway Dentist if you experience any of these symptoms. 

What happens during root canal therapy?

A root canal procedure is conducted in one or more sessions by your dentist in Ottawa. Following are the steps for a RCT procedure:

  • A comprehensive investigation to identify the precise source of the issue and the most effective cure
  • Removal of the tooth pulp, nerves, and blood vessels.
  • Cleaning and preparing the root canal wall surfaces.
  • Filling the root canal spaces with a rubber based material. 
  • Sealing the root canal with a dental crown or permanent filling. Dental crowns are generally always used to protect the tooth from further breakdown.
Dental Treatments

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